
Survey of the increasing powers of health-care to intervene in people's lives and destinies. In addition to an explanation of Bioethics, this book covers issues such as Quality of Life, Assisted Reproduction, Euthanasia, Abortion, and Medical Ethics. The student is expected to give their thoughts on each entry and explain the thought of the author on each.

Christian Ethics

This is an examination of the historical sweep of Christian ethics through the years. Written by an educator at Baptist Theological College of Scotland, he shows how Christian ethics has reached universal interest in today's world. A critique on this book is required.


This is a comprehensive and critical portrait of Christianity from its beginnings to the present, warts and all. Essay and opinion required.

Cosmic Man: Divine Presence

This is a study of the mode of existence between Creator and Creation. It includes the teachings of St Gregory of Nyssa in the fourth century, and new insights into Augustinian thinking. Essay and opinion required.


This is a study in Christian apologetics. Essay and opinion required.

Ethics in the Sanctuary

This textbook examines the practices of organized religion today. Some of the topics included are: Applied Professional Ethics, Confessions and Confidentiality, Informed Consent in Faith Healing, Pastoral Counseling, and Ethical Analysis. The essay submitted must address each chapter and contain the student's thoughts at the end of each.

Ethics on Call

This book on health-care ethics covers a variety of issues including how much information you are entitled to from your doctor, what medical decisions are you qualified to make, and how can a terminally ill patient ensure their life will not be painfully prolonged. Essay and opinion is required.

Eternal Mysteries Beyond the Grave

This book contains the Orthodox teachings on the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, and life beyond the grave. Essay and opinion required.

Exorcism Through the Ages

This book was edited by St Elmo Nauman Jr, and also contains his introduction. It is an anthology of case histories of obsessions and their expulsions, and cases of demons that have taken possession of the human soul. Included are sections on Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic rituals of exorcism. Essay and opinion required.

Expose on Philosophy

A response of the Orthodox Churches on Peace, Freedom, and Security, and their role in the sociopolitical and ethical life of the former Soviet Union and Romania. An essay on the contents of this book is required along with a personal opinion from the student.

Immortality & Reincarnation

An alternative study in the afterlife. Essay and opinion required.

Introduction to Philosophy

An examination and introduction into the study of Philosophy. An essay on this subject proving comprehension of the subject is required.


This book consists of essays that are scholarly meditations intended to teach with a focus on metaphysics. Essay and opinion required.

Sacred Gift of Life – Orthodox Bioethics

An examination of Orthodox Christian ethics affecting various medical and social concerns requiring the student to give a clear understanding of this subject, and offer their personal views.

Soul after Death, The

A Christian survey on what happens to the soul after the death of the body. Essay required

Surrealism and the Occult

This is an alternative study into Shamanism, Magic, Alchemy, and Birth of an Artistic Movement. It also explains the Theosophy of Kandinsky. Essay and opinion required.

The Discourses of St Symeon the New Theologian

This study covers the writings of St Symeon on various subjects, e.g., Of Charity, On Penitence, On Works of Mercy, Of Christ's Resurrection, Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost, and Symeon's Apologia. Essay and opinion required.

The Price of Prophecy

This book discusses Orthodox Churches on the subjects of Peace, Freedom, and Security. Written by Father Alexander Webster, it provides the student with a very impressive and provocative investigation, and offers an analysis of very sensitive issues. Essay and opinion required.

The Russian Religious Mind: Kievan-10th-13th Centuries

This book describes the subjective side of religion as opposed to the complex of organized dogmas, sacraments, rites, liturgy, and Canon Law. It also discusses man and his attitude towards God, the world, and his fellow men. Essay and opinion required.

Toward Transfigured Life

This is a study of the foundations of Eastern Orthodox Ethics revealing an ethical tradition, which is Scriptural and Patristic. Essay and opinion required.

Wholeness of Faith and Life: Orthodox Christian Ethics

This is a collection of sixteen essays on themes that seek to explain various aspects of Orthodox Christian ethics, e.g., personal, social, and ecclesial that are beneficial to all of every faith persuasion. This course can also be used to satisfy a requirement in Patristics. Essay and opinion required.

Witchcraft & Demonology

This course and its textbook cover witchcraft and demonology and all those associated with both in and out of America, and through history. Essay and opinion required.