Liturgical Practicum  In-Residence

Seminarians who are preparing to be ordained in the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church are required to attend resident liturgical training programs for 5-7 days at a time. These are offered in the Divine Liturgy, Paraliturgical Services, Typica Service, Administration of the Holy Mysteries, and all cover the rubrics to be followed in each. SMSC will advise each when they are to be in attendance and what will be covered.

Orthodox Liturgy & Worship

This is a study of the Ordo or "shape" of Orthodox worship and its historical evolution from its beginning through the 12th century. Essay required.

Orthodox Worship

An examination and history of the Jewish roots of worship in the Christian Church. This study offers a very good expose of worship in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. Essay and opinion required. 

Syro-Russian Divine Liturgy & Worship

The student will review the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church and will offer their understanding of it in essay form. They will explain the rubrics approved and give their interpretation of them. In addition, they will submit a separate essay on "Worship" covering the Akathist Hymn, Litiya Service, Memorial Service, and will explain each in detail.

Worship Traditions in Armenia & the (Neighboring Christian) East

Survey of the worship of the Armenians and their Christian neighbors – Byzantine, and East and West Syrian, through liturgy. Essay required.